Writing Contest for the 10th Anniversary Celebration of Elite College

How Students Can Benefit from iPads

Zeyuan Fu, 2014

ĦĦĦĦParents often limit the time which their kids can spend on the iPad, because they are afraid children will be addicted to the video games and do harm to their eyes if it is being used for an extended period of time. However, the iPad can actually help kids learn.

ĦĦĦĦFirst of all, there are a lot of educational apps specially designed for the iPad, which helps students learn subjects from math to geography. Kids can learn through playing. For example, there is a game called Pocket Planes. The goal of the game is to use planes to ship passengers and cargo to several cities, collect money and buy more planes, and so on. As more and more deliveries are being made, you know which ways to take to various airports, thus learning about different continents, countries and cities. Another example is a fun game called 2048. The goal is to join identical number tiles (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.) to form the number 2048. Children can learn the exponential powers of two and improve their mental calculation ability.

ĦĦĦĦSecond of all, iPads provide interaction in class. For example, if the teacher wants to explain a fact about Africa, the students can pull a map of Africa on their iPads and follow along with the teacher or explore different regions instead of all looking at a single map on the board. In this way, if the students want to learn something deeper, they could do so on their tablets. The same thing could be said for other subjects like history or art. If the teacher would like to explain a particular idea, he or she can stream a video or show an image onto all of the students' iPads, which would make classes more interesting and attractive.

ĦĦĦĦLast of all, because of the iPadĦŻs portability and its preferable size (slimmer than a laptop but larger than a smartphone), students can study almost anytime and anywhere, from the bus stop to the dentistĦŻs office. For instance, it takes me half an hour by train to go to school and another half an hour to go home. This hour can easily be wasted. However, if I have my iPad with me, I could have one extra hour of study time, which would greatly increase my knowledge and grades.

ĦĦĦĦIn conclusion, despite the fact that the iPad has some negative effects, students can benefit from its educational features by using it wisely.