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江苏同乡会邀请老乡们于9月6日晚20:00共同观摩金球奖提名 戛纳电影节入围影片《巴尔扎克与小裁缝》   导演/摄像戴思杰   主演:周迅、陈坤、刘烨   国别:法国   剧情:   知青罗明和马剑铃上山下乡来到湘西的一个小山村,接受贫下中农再教育,   可是乡下贫乏的生活使他们逐渐感到厌倦,他们生活中惟一的乐趣便是偷看   箱子里的禁书棗巴尔扎克的小说。一天,他们与村子里的小裁缝相遇,活泼   开朗的小裁缝给他们死水般的生活带来了光亮,而他们的 105本书也令小裁缝幻想中的世界豁然开朗. 地点:地铁Place de Arts 附:免费电影 8月27 至 9月7日 国际影展 NEWS 『第二十七届满地可国际影展』将自本月 27 日起正式拉开 帷幕,今年计有 439 片影片参加影展,其中除了 32 部参赛影片外,还有自全世界 68 个国家及 地区的参展影片。以描写中国少数民族生活的艺术影片《婼玛的十七岁》,将代表中国参加本届 电影节大赛,另外,中国影片《卡拉是条狗》、《美丽的大脚》、《路特斯的故事》及新加坡华语 影片《十五》则为参展片,香港及台湾并无作品参展。 在今届参加满地可国际影展的 439 部参展及参赛影片中,其中的224 部是属於长篇剧情片,其余 则为中短片。影片范围来自全世界六大洲、68 个国家及地区,属加拿大影片即占 152 部,还有 多个国家代表影片首次於满地可影展中参赛,斯里兰卡的《八月夏日》( August Sun) 便是其中。 此外,并有超过百部影片为首次公开放映。影展主席 Serge Losique 特别於介绍时表示,今年 的影展将不会有好莱坞的巨星型人物参加。 获中国电影局推荐而参加本届影展的艺术影片《婼玛的十七岁》(When Ruoma Was Seventeen), 描写一名云南哈尼族的十七岁少女婼玛 (李敏饰 ),自小与奶奶在小镇相依为命,但却对城里 的观光电梯充满了向往。一日,婼玛结识了自城里来的摄影师阿明,亮眼的婼玛在阿明的灵机 一动下,身著哈尼族服装与到访的外国游客们,在云南梯田观光区上合影以赚取费用,在当 两人的经济都好转后,阿明许诺要带婼玛去搭观光电梯。然而最终,阿明仍因种种原因不得 不离开小镇,离别前始发现婼玛对他已萌生爱意....。 《婼》片以温馨淡雅、清新感人的拍摄手法,反映当代中国人真实生活及展现美丽的云南哈尼 梯田风光,以哈尼族所面对的现代工商文明及古老文化的困惑,来反映全人类所遭受的文化冲击。 该片曾在2002 年韩国釜山影展及柏林国际影展中放映,并获国际影评人高度赞赏,至今已接 获包括满地可等七个城市的电影展入围参赛。饰演剧中女主角婼玛的李敏,更在柏林影展中获 「中国新巩俐」的封号,是继巩俐、章子怡之后,在柏林影展处女作亮相后,另一位引起高度 重视的中国女演員。 亚洲参展片之一的中国影片《卡拉是条狗》 (Cala, My dog),则讲述关于一个工人「老二」 (葛优饰)的故事。生活平淡无奇的老二,为了生活在工厂及家庭间奔波,然而老二却养了 一条名叫「卡拉」的杂种狗,卡拉成了老二生活中全部欢乐的源泉。不过对於一只没有办证 的黑户狗来说,意外降临了:一天晚上,其妻玉兰遛狗的时候「卡拉」被警察抓走了,故事 从此而展开...。《卡》片由路学长执导,演员还包括丁嘉丽、夏两、李敏等。 此外,尚有中国影片《美丽的大脚》 (Pretty Big Feet)、《路斯特的故事》 (The Story of Lotus) 及新加坡华语影片《十五》等亚洲参展片。由满地可电影制作人 Louis Belanger 所拍摄的加拿大国产片【 Gaz Bar Blues 】,除了将角逐本届影展外,并被选定作为 27 日 晚间的影展开幕片。 免费电影完全手册 8月30 至 9月7日 Movies Under the Stars at the MWFF Saturday August 30 to Sunday September 7 Saturday August 30 20:30 LE D蒀LIN DE L'EMPIRE AMERICAIN Canada 1985 / Colour / 102 min / EST Dir.: Denys Arcand. Cast: R閙y Girard, Pierre Curzi, Genevi鑦e Rioux. A group of close friends, most of them members of the history department of a Quebec university, meet for dinner and spend all of their conversation on sex, though the subtext is really intellectual competition. Winner of numerous prizes and the film that spawned BARBARIAN INVASIONS. 22:30 QUEBEC-MONTREAL Canada 2002 / Colour / 104 min / EST Dir.: Ricardo Trogi. Cast: Patrice Robitaille, Jean-Philippe Pearson, St閜hane Breton. During a trip along Highway 20 from Quebec City to Montreal, nine thirtysomethings in four cars engage in endless talk about relationships. They don't know it yet but the nine men and women are connected to each other in a variety of ways. Sunday August 31 20:30 NO MAN'S LAND Bosnia 2001 / Colour / 97 min / FST Dir.: Danis Tanovic. Cast: Branko Djuric, Rene Bitorajac, Katrin Cartlidge. A savage comedy about the war in Bosnia that artfully mixes comic absurdity with a passion for what's right and a concern for the individuality of all concerned. Best Screenplay Prize winner at the Cannes Festival. 22:15 NORTH BY NORTHWEST USA 1959 / Colour / 136 min / FST Dir.: Alfred Hitchcock. Cast: Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason. This quintessential Hitchcock comedy-thriller casts Cary Grant as a bewildered common man chased across the United States by spies and the police for all the wrong reason ?and our enormous pleasure. Some of Hitchcock's most famous scenes; a delicious entertainment. Monday September 1 20:30 LAGAAN: ONCE UPON A TIME IN INDIA India 2001 / Colour / 225 min / FST Dir.: Ashutsh Gowariker. Cast: Aamir Khan, Gracy Singh, Rachel Shelley. During the time of the Raj, Indian farmers are told that they will not have to pay a special tax if they can beat the British at cricket. A fine Hollywood?feature combining sports with political intrigue, romance with evil scheming, musical numbers with low comedy and high drama. Tuesday September 2 20:30 CASABLANCA USA 1942 / B&W / 103 min / FST Dir.: Michael Curtiz. Cast: Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid. A World War II classic set in war-torn Casablanca with elusive nightclub owner Rick (Bogart) finding his old flame (Bergman) and her underground leader husband (Henreid) among many skeletons in his closet. Not the greatest Hollywood movie ever made but possibly its most beloved. 22:30 EL HIJO DE LA NOVIA Spain/Argentina 2001 / Colour / 124 min / FST Dir.: Juan Jos?Campanella. Cast: Ricardo Dar韓, H閏tor Alterio, Norma Aleandro. A comedy ?yes -- about a man having a mid-life crisis. Rafa is a 42-year-old restaurateur whose life is complete chaos; he is divorced, his mother has Alzheimer's, his business is driving him crazy and he has no time for his girlfriend or his little daughter. Special Jury Prize winner at the MWFF; nominated for Best Foreign Film Oscar. Wednesday September 3 20:30 A STAR IS BORN USA 1954 / Colour / 176 min / FST Dir.: George Cukor. Cast: Judy Garland, James Mason, Jack Carson. Judy Garland's heart-rending performance as the young movie hopeful who marries a fading Hollywood star may be the finest work of her screen career. Sharp script, great songs, powerful acting. Thursday September 4 20:30 GILDA USA 1946 / B&W / 110 min / FST Dir.: Charles Vidor. Cast: Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford, George Macready. Mysterious Buenos Aires casino owner Macready, his new manager Ford and his alluring wife Hayworth are involved in a torrid emotional triangle. Forever known for Hayworth's fully dressed striptease as she sings 揚ut the Blame on Mame? 22:30 THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT Australia 1994 / Colour / 103 min / FST Dir.: Stefan Elliot. Cast: Terence Stamp, Hugo Weaving, Guy Pearce. Cheerfully outrageous comedy about two drag queens and a transsexual who journey to a remote desert gig in the Australian outback on a converted school bus named Priscilla. A cult favourite. Friday September 5 20:30 THE AGE OF INNOCENCE USA 1993 / Colour / 138 min / FST Dir.: Martin Scorsese. Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Winona Ryder. In 1870s New York society, a well-bred young man (Day-Lewis), engaged to marry a well-bred young woman (Ryder), is smitten by a notorious beauty (Pfeiffer) with a somewhat scandalous background. A remarkable change of pace for director Martin Scorsese. 23:00 LETTER FROM AN UNKNOWN WOMAN USA 1948 / B&W / 86 min / FST Dir.: Max Ophuls. Cast: Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan, Mady Christians. A pianist seduces an impressionable adolescent and promptly forgets her. Years later he meets her again, and, thinking her a fresh conquest, seduces her again. But in the interlude she has borne him a child and remained hopelessly in love with him. An exquisite, romantic evocation of late-19th-century Vienna. Saturday September 6 20:30 BALZAC ET LA PETITE TAILLEUSE CHINOISE France/China 2002 / Colour / 126 min / FST Dir.: Dai Sijie. Cast: Xun Zhou, Kun Chen, Ye Liu. In China during the Cultural Revolution, two teenage boys from an intellectual milieu who are 搒ent down?to the country for re-education as peasants, find relief in Mozart, Balzac and the tailor's granddaughter. 23:00 QUEST FOR FIRE Canada/France/USA 1981 / Colour / 100 min Dir.: Jean-Jacques Annaud. Cast: Everett McGill, Ron Perlman, Rae Dawn Chong. A peaceful prehistoric tribe is attacked by apes and wolves and loses its fire, essential for survival. They still haven't learned how to make fire, so three of them, two young men and a young woman, set off on a quest to find it again. A fascinating glimpse into human behaviour that apparently hasn't changed much in 80,000 years. Sunday September 7 20:30 8 FEMMES France 2002 / Colour / 106 min / EST Dir.: Fran鏾is Ozon. Cast: Emmanuelle B閍rt, Virginie Ledoyen, Ludivine Sagnier. A family patriarch is murdered and eight women are suspects. An old-fashioned Agatha Christie-ish whodunit made over as high camp with songs and an all-star female cast.