
绪亮:您好!前后寄来的中秋照片都收到了,您们在广州的中秋节晚上看到了明月,真 令我们羡慕。在这里,当晚没等到月亮出来我就睡了。也吃了月饼,味道与国内无异, 原来是广州酒家生产的。我女儿最近在一家塑料厂打工,当操作工人。那工厂的机器 也是广州制造的。厂方一些工程技术人员还会讲些中国话呢。所以,我们身为中国人 千万不要妄自菲薄,看不起自己。 从照片中看到:您儿子很聪明可爱,很得人喜欢。要注意启发他,看他在哪方面感兴趣, 就多在该方面启发。儿童的启蒙教育很重要。 来加后,从报刊上看过两个成功的例子。 一个原籍斯里兰卡(今年该国移民加拿大人数占第一位)的儿童,4岁学电脑,11岁成为 电脑行业企业家,曾随加拿大总理出访中国,与深圳某企业签订了合作项目。 一个中国小孩,在母亲腹中便受音乐熏陶,9岁入中央音乐学院,11岁便在国际乐坛获 奖。先后与德国、美国乐团签约在世界各地演出。 下次再谈! 祝 学业进步,事业有成,家庭幸福! GAN 附录:饮酒品种与方式跟大肚皮的关系 What You Drink Affects How You Look How often you drink alcohol, as well as what you drink and how much you drink, can influence your risk of heart disease by impacting the accumulation of abdominal fat, HealthCentral reports of new research from epidemiologists at the University at Buffalo. In other words, your drinking habits will affect the size of your waistline, which in turn will affect not only how you look, but also potentially how long you live. The Buffalo researchers, who studied the drinking habits and chronic disease risk of 2,343 randomly selected healthy men and women between the ages of 39 and 75, wanted to find out if the way people drink alcohol affects their abdominal fat accumulation and their risk for heart disease. Some of their findings may surprise you. What is abdominal fat? Abdominal fat, also called "central adiposity," is measured by abdominal height. To get a quick look at how much abdominal height you have, lie down on your back and see how much of your tummy extends above your torso. The more tummy that sticks out, the more abdominal fat you have. What do you drink? The type of alcohol that's consumed seems to contribute differently to the accumulation of abdominal fat. Wine drinkers have the least abdominal fat, while liquor drinkers have the highest. Beer isn't associated with central adiposity. How often do you drink? Men and women who binge drink--that is, drink infrequently but heavily--have more abdominal fat than people who drink small amounts of alcohol on a regular basis--even though the total amount of alcohol consumed over a set period of time may be the same for both groups. The takeaway: Binge drinking packs on the pounds. Interestingly, the University of Buffalo study showed that people who have consumed alcohol within the past 30 days have lower abdominal height than both men and women who abstain from alcohol. How much do you drink? The number of drinks matters. People who drank small amounts of alcohol on a regular basis had the smallest abdominal heights, while those who indulged in binge drinking of three or four drinks on one occasion had the highest measures. Here's the bottom line: For both genders, the more drinks that are consumed in a day, the higher the abdominal measurement. "These findings support what has been shown in other studies about the beneficial effect of moderate drinking on heart disease," lead study author Joan Dorn told HealthCentral. "It also is more evidence that the way people drink is important, and not just the amount of alcohol consumed." The study findings were published in the Journal of Nutrition.