甘先生的一封信 ZT 赤兔之死 - 南京高考一考生的作文 建安二十六年,公元221年,关羽走麦城,兵败遭擒,拒降,为孙权所害。其赤兔 马为孙权赐于马忠。 一日,马忠上表:赤兔马绝食数日,不久将亡。孙权大惊,急访江东名士伯喜。此 人乃伯乐之后,人言其精通马语。 马忠引伯喜回府,至槽间,但见赤兔马伏于地,哀嘶不止。众人不解,唯伯喜知 之。伯喜遣散诸人,抚其背叹曰:“昔日曹操做《龟虽寿》,‘老骥伏枥,志在千里。 烈士暮年,壮心不已’,吾深知君念关将军之恩义,欲从之于地下。然当日吕奉先白门 楼殒命,亦未见君如此相依,为何今日这等轻生,岂不负君千里之志哉?” 赤兔马哀嘶一声,叹曰:“予尝闻,‘鸟之将死,其鸣也哀;人之将死,其言也 善。’今幸遇先生,吾可将肺腑之言相告。吾生于西凉,后为董卓所获,此人飞扬跋扈 ,杀少帝,卧龙床,实为汉贼,吾深恨之。” 伯喜点头,曰:“后闻李儒献计,将君赠于吕布,吕布乃天下第一勇将,众皆言, ‘人中吕布,马中赤兔。’想来当不负君之志也。” 赤兔马叹曰:”公言差矣。吕布此人最是无信,为荣华而杀丁原,为美色而刺董卓 ,投刘备而夺其徐州,结袁绍而斩其婚使。‘人无信不立’,与此等无诚信之人齐名, 实为吾平生之大耻!后吾归于曹操,其手下虽猛将如云,却无人可称英雄。吾恐今生只 辱于奴隶人之手,骈死于槽枥之间。后曹操将吾赠于关将军。吾曾于虎牢关前见其武勇 ,白门楼上见其恩义,仰慕已久。关将军见吾大喜,拜谢曹操。操问何故如此,关将军 答曰:‘吾知此马日行千里,今幸得之,他日若知兄长下落,可一日而得见矣。’其人 诚信如此。常言道:‘鸟随鸾凤飞腾远,人伴贤良品质高。’吾岂敢不以死相报乎?” 伯喜闻之,叹曰:“人皆言关将军乃诚信之士,今日闻之,果真如此。” 赤兔马泣曰:“吾尝慕不食周粟之伯夷、叔齐之高义。玉可碎而不可损其白,竹可 破而不可毁其节。士为知己而死,人因诚信而存,吾安肯食吴粟而苟活于世间?”言罢 ,伏地而亡。 伯喜放声痛哭,曰:“物犹如此,人何以堪?”后奏于孙权。权闻之亦泣:“吾不 知云长诚信如此,今此忠义之士为吾所害,吾何面目见天下苍生?” 后孙权传旨,将关羽父子并赤兔马厚葬。 测试您对食物和药物的知识 下面的说法中,哪一个是对的,哪一个是不对的? 1. 常喝葡萄柚(本地人俗称:大果)汁可能增加药物的某些副作用,使药物毒性发作 ,即使喝葡萄柚汁跟服药时间错开数小时。 2.加钙食物(例如加钙橙汁)可以和药物兼容,因为添加剂数量有限,不足以引起问题。 3。饮纯净的蔓越桔汁可以在泌尿感染初起时治疗泌尿感染。 4. 在用抗生素治病期间,比平时多吃酸奶有助于防止由抗生素引起的腹泻。 药剂师陈全途(Chan Quang Tu)的答复: 1. 说得对。 葡萄柚汁包含一种阻碍许多药物排泄的物质。 葡萄柚汁在人体摄取后对 药物排泄过程的影响持续好几小时,即使两者错开服用时间仍不能减少问题。如果您在 服药期间非常喜欢喝葡萄汁或吃新鲜的葡萄柚,请向您的药剂师请教:有无必要为两者 的相互作用操心。 2. 不对。 如果药剂师警告您不要同时服药物与乳制品和抗酸剂(后者是举例而言的) ,那么 该警告可能亦适用于含钙丰富的食物。如有怀疑,请询问您的药剂师。 3。不对。 饮用蔓越桔汁有助于防止泌尿感染,但无治疗泌尿感染的作用。如果您认为 您有泌尿感染,请看专科医师。 如果您频繁患泌尿感染,每天喝蔓越桔 汁也许有助于降低这些感染的发生率。请注意:只有纯蔓越桔汁才有这些有 利的性能。 4。说得对。 抗生素常常影响天然地寄居在我们的消化系统的良性细菌。对某些人来说 ,该现象 可能干扰他们的消化系统并引起腹泻。 因为酸奶是用某种良性细菌制造的,在用抗生素治病期间吃酸奶有助于补充被抗生素杀 害的良性细菌。对那些不喜欢吃酸奶的病人,酸奶胶囊(酸奶片)是可取的选择。 Test your knowledge of food and medications True or false? 1. Regular consumption of grapefruit juice can increase the effect of certain medications rendering them toxic, even if the juice and mediations are taken some hour apart. 2. Foods with added calcium (for example, orange juice fortified with calcium), are compatible with medications because the additives are insufficient to create problems. 3. Drinking pure cranberry juice can cure a urinary infection at its outset. 4. During treatment with antibiotics, increasing our consumption of yogurt helps prevent the diarrhea that can be caused by antibiotics. Answers: 1. True. Grapefruit juice contains a substance that obstructs the elimination of many medications. The effect of grapefruit juice on the medication elimination process continues for some hours after ingestion and taking the two separately does not reduce the problem. If you are very fond of grapefruit juice or fresh grapefruits and are taking medications, check with your pharmacist if this interaction concerns you. 2. False. If the pharmacist warns you against simultaneously taking medications with dairy products and, for example, antacids, this warning could also apply to foods enriched with calcium. When in doubt, ask you pharmacist. 3. False. Drinking cranberry juice can help prevent urinary infections but cannot treat them. If you think you have a urinary infection, consult a doctor. If you frequently suffer from urinary infections, drinking cranberry juice every day may help reduce the frequency of these infections. Take note that any pure cranberry juice has these beneficial properties. 4. True. Antibiotics often affect the good bacteria that naturally inhabit our digestive system. For some people, this occurrence can disturb their system and cause diarrhea. Because yogurt is made from a culture of good bacteria, consuming it during treatment with antibiotics helps replace the good bacteria killed by the antibiotics. For those who do not like yogurt, yogurt capsules are a viable alternative. |