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A brief introduction to Elite College 


Canada Day Drumming Celebration 
(See details)

  • Click here for school addresses (Attention : the addresses at the bottom of the website are incorrect)
  • 21th Summer Camp starts registration!
    Details      Registration   Recording of 2024 Info session on G5 Exam Prep    Camp photos

    June 25-August 8; In-person camps(9h-16h) in Ville Saint-Laurent ou South-shore, daycare service 7h30-18h, tax return slip; online camp(grade 4-sec 3). Preparations for secondary school entrance exams, Indoor and outdoor fun activities...   
  • Weekend tutoring classes for the Semester Sept. to Dec. 2024 started registration!
    Course Schedules    Calendar    Registration
    Semester September to December:  15 weeks
    On-site courses on Saturdays in ville St-Laurent(how to get to campus) and South Shore(how to get to campus) ; Online courses are on Sundays.  There are also online classes of the preparations for math competitions on weekday nights. 
    Taught by outstanding teachers, help your kids improve their confidence and competences academic!

  • Classes of Preparations for Maths Competitions
     Registration Form  Details  Awards in past years

    We organize and prepare students for international/North American mathematics competitions, like AQJM, Opti-Math, Centrum, Gauss, AMCS.  The experienced teacher has won many mathematics competition awards!
    * For G6-G8 students, online, 15 weeks, every Wednesday 18h30-20h30; 

  • Register for 2024 Centrum mathematica competition !
    Details    Registration    Contest achievements

    Contest on April 10th. For G3 to S3 students. Elite college students have achieved excellent results in the contests of previous years! 
  • Grade 6 English/French/math classes open soon!
    Course Schedules    Calendar    Registration

    English Class: Prepare for the secondary school English placement test, provides multiple simulation exams. French/mathematics intensive class: Enhance French and Math and prepare kids to be easily adapted to secondary school. Saint-laurent: Oct 14, Southshore:Oct 21, Online: Oct 22
  • Info Session :《How to choose the right secondary school and the analysis of the prep exam results of summer camp students》  Details   Meeting Recording(youtube)

  • Secondary school Open House and exam dates (continually updating) Click here
  • Congratulations to 9 Elite College students achieved good results in AQJM Quebec finals! In the AQJM Quebec final held in May 2022, 9 students achieved outstanding results. In the P2, S1 and S2 groups, 3 students were invited to the award ceremony to be held at Laval University, and 6 students received the "Mention spécial" award! In the Quebec final (group category), 23 students were invited to the awards ceremony, 3 of which were elite students. (List of students awarded)  Details
  • Meeting with parents
    Analysis of the first exam of this semester; How should students learn effectively, and how can parents cooperate with the school to help their children in the studies?  Video
  • How to motivate your child to study? Here is an helpful article from Principal Bradley Zhao How Can Parents Help Their Child Improve and Succeed In Their Studies?》 

  • Accomplishments in French Writing Contests:

In French essay writing and reciting competition of 2018 and 2019, students of Elite College obtained excellent results. 
After carefully selected by the professionals at the French Language Institute of the University of Quebec and by others, Elite College primary and secondary students won several awards.   Click to see photos of the ceremony

